The end of another season has brought more than the usual change in temperature to the residents of a city. As they go through some tragic events, the residents, and especially a group of medical students, must re-evaluate their lives and face new questions. On top of that the movie going audiences must re-evaluate their movie choices and face a new question: "Shall we go see After Last Season?"
Several weeks ago internet gleaning individuals were tantalized by a strange article on on Videogum.com introducing them to on After Last Season, a film so awful, so offensive to the eyes, so cardboard that it could only be the joke of some sick pervert. Well, today Videogum had some more news on the subject. Apparently one of their bloggers got a hold of After Last Season creator Mark Region and squeezed from him exciting news. Apparently the movie is in no way a joke, it isn't even a comedy, it is a "Hitchcock-esque mystery thriller" according to Region. On top of that, it had a budget of $5,000,000 (that is 5 million). oh, trust me, I know what you're thinking: "That can't be right, it looks like it had to of had a budget of at least 25 million." but you're wrong. apparently "The special effects, which appear in the trailer, cost a big part of the movie’s $5 million budget." Oh, well that makes sense. if you haven't seen the trailer yet check it out here at Apple Trailers:
Yes, that's right, it's a legit movie. It has appeared on Apple Trailers along other movies like it such as Where The Wild Things Are and Year One. After Last Season will be seeing a wide theatrical release this coming June and If you are lucky enough that "wide" encompasses a theatre near you. I'll try and bring you more on the film as I learn more and maybe if you're luck I'll even go see it for all of you but only time will tell.
-Daniel, eternally glad that they didn't use a cardboard MRI on him before his colonoscopy
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