"When Megaton makes Godardian symbolism of [Statham]'s hand retrieving a key from [Natalya Rudakova]'s, Transporter 3 evinces greater art than Van Sant's studied poetic effects."
Armond White compares the director of Transporter 3 to Jean-Luc Godard, established as one of the most inventive, talented filmmakers of the last century, a forerunner to the most important and artistically accomplished French cinema movement, as well as Gus Van Sant, responsible for the rather adorable 'Death trilogy', and last year's Milk, which probably should have taken home Best Picture next to the other nominees...
Once again Armond White baffles the nation, and me.
- Eric T. Voigt, part of the nation
You didn't even see all the Best Picture nominees.
I'm sorry that you obviously have not seen Godard's 1990 film Nouvelle Vague or else you would have recognized Megaton's homage to it and realized that Armond White knows exactly what he's talking about.