When twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings get together and talk, and shoot these talks on Mini DVs and slightly more expensive film equipment, you get a beautiful thing called mumblecore. Mumblecore is all the rage these days. Or, it isn't going to stop being made anytime soon. They're all over the place, and a handful of them are my favorites. There's Chicago's own Joe Swanberg who has made a few internet series and features like my much cared for
LOL. There's Andrew Bujalski, responsible for
Funny Ha Ha and
Mutual Appreciation, which sent me into the world of the quasi-genre happily, and there's Mark and Jay Duplass, who made the first mumblecore I ever saw:
The Puffy Chair.
New mumblecore is coming! A trailer has been released for Lynn Shelton's Humpday, starring Mark Duplass as a man willing to go as far as to sleep with his friend, Josh Leonard, in the name of competition. And they're filming it. And they're doing it without homosexuality. Hilarious.
It's coming out July 10th, and it's going to be the coldest day in hell when I'm able to find it in a theatre. Couldn't find Barry Jenkins' Medicine for Melancholy in Chicago. Certainly won't find Humpday in West Michigan. Bah.
Here. A trailer.
- Eric T. Voigt, Why Am I Listening to Can?
The word "mumblecore" is to cinema what the word "twee" is to music: fucking awful.